Democrats sent their convention Monday in Chicago to President Joe Biden, who ended the night with a gauntlet to Vice President Kamala Harris.
Here are The river will take away:
Biden received a four-minute standing ovation: Biden said Choosing Harris as her running mate in 2020 was “the best decision I’ve ever made in my entire life.”
He was harshly critical of Trump and recalled his administration’s legislative achievements in detail.
Clinton underscores the potential for the first female president: Although she was stunted eight years ago, Clinton said She wanted her grandchildren and their great-grandchildren to know that when the “glass ceiling” finally shattered, she would have been there for Harris.
He invited Shirley Chisholm, the first woman to run for the Democratic presidential nomination, and Geraldine Ferraro, the first woman to be nominated for the vice presidency. “Cherley and Kerry would say, ‘Go on,'” Clinton said.
Clinton on Trump’s “habitual” attacks: Referring to Trump’s convictions in New York, he said he “made his own kind of history: the first person to run for president with 34 felony convictions.” “Lock him up!” The crowd responded with chants. – Democrats’ spin on the “lock her up” chants about Clinton that were ubiquitous at Trump’s 2016 rallies.
Abortion Rights: Roe v. Abortion Rights. Democrats criticized Trump for appointing conservative Supreme Court justices who helped overturn Wade’s defense. Three women with stories of abortion and reproductive care told their stories as part of their support for abortion rights, the most powerful issue for Democrats at the ballot box since Roe v. Wade was overturned two years ago.
Democrats Downplay Israel’s War: Few issues have divided Democrats by age, ideology, and sometimes identity more than Israel’s war in Gaza. You wouldn’t know it from watching Monday night. Biden spoke at length about Gaza, sympathizing with those killed. But for most of those talking about prime time, war was not necessarily mentioned. This is, quite clearly and unsurprisingly, an issue that Democrats see little electoral upside in highlighting.
Spotlight on Plan 2025: Michigan State Senate. Mallory McMorrow took the stage with a major snag: the book containing “Plan 2025” didn’t quite fit on the stage. The moment reflected how eager Democrats are to connect Trump to what McMorrow called “the Republican plan for a second Trump term.” Although the former president denies it, Democrats have framed his agenda as a playbook for a second Trump term. McMorrow left the stage Tuesday night with a promise to return the book.
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