‘Disorganized’ tropical storm Phillip sees Maine with forecast cone

‘Disorganized’ tropical storm Phillip sees Maine with forecast cone

A tropical system is once again in the forecast cone across Maine. Although Tropical Storm Phillip is still thousands of miles away, it is forecast to approach the state’s coast. As of 5 a.m. Wednesday, the storm was 150 miles from St. Thomas and 815 miles from Bermuda with sustained winds of 45 mph. Philip is moving at 9 mph. Although it brought heavy rain to the British and US Virgin Islands, the National Hurricane Center describes Phillip as an irregular storm. It is expected to pick up speed as it moves north on Thursday and Friday. As Phillip approaches Maine, it may interact with a developing precipitation system from the west. Depending on the precise interactions, enhanced rainfall and strong winds could be experienced from the combined storms. Timing of storms will bring rain Saturday and possibly into Saturday night. Maine’s total meteorologists will continue to monitor both Phillip and the rainstorm to provide forecast and impact reports as it approaches. RoOyBoZWlnaHQ6IDEwMHZ3OyB9IEBtZWRpYSBvbmx5IHNjcmVlbiBhbmQgKG1pbi13aWR0aDogNDEuMjVyZW0pIHsgLmVtYmVkLXJhGF B9PC9zdHlsZT4KPHNjcmlwdCB0eXBlPSJ0ZXh0L2phdmFzY3JpcHQiIHNyYz0iaHR0cHM6Ly9 3aWRnZXRzLWx0cy5tZWRpYS53ZyWF0GbdS XIuanM /Y2lkPTI4Mjg1MjgwMSI+PC9zY3JpcHQ+CjxkaXYgY2xhc3M9ImVtYmVkLXJhZGFyIj4KPHd4LXdpZGdldCB0eXBlPSJtYXAiIGxhdGl0z2MC R1ZGU9Ii03OS4zMj kwNzgiIG1lbnVpdGVtcz0iMDAxNSwwMDAxLDAwMTcsMDAyMSIgbWFwaWQ9IjAwMjIiIG1lbWJlcmlkPSIxMTY5IiB6b29tw U9InRydWUiIG9wYWNpdHk9Ii42IiBmdWxsc2NyZWVuPSJ0cnVlIiBoZWFkZXI9ImZhbHNlIiBqcz0ibHRzIiB hbmltYXRlPSJ0cnVlpd48cnVl

A tropical system is once again in the forecast cone across Maine. Although Tropical Storm Phillip is still thousands of miles away, it is forecast to approach the state’s coast.

As of 5 a.m. Wednesday, the storm was 150 miles from St. Thomas and 815 miles from Bermuda with sustained winds of 45 mph. Philip is moving at 9 mph.

Despite heavy rain in the British and US Virgin Islands, the National Hurricane Phillip is said to be an irregular storm.

It is expected to pick up speed as it moves north on Thursday and Friday.

As Phillip approaches Maine, it may interact with a developing precipitation system from the west. Depending on the precise interactions, enhanced rainfall and strong winds could be experienced from the combined storms.

The timing of the storms will bring rain to the area Saturday and possibly into Saturday night.

Meteorologists from Maine’s Total Weather team will continue to monitor both Phillip and the rainstorm, detailing the forecast and impacts as it approaches.

Interactive radar below:


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