Celine Dion gives a rare insight into life with Stiff-Person Syndrome

Celine Dion gives a rare insight into life with Stiff-Person Syndrome

Celine Dion

Provides a rare insight into life with Difficult Person Syndrome

Celine Dion Despite overcoming stiff-person syndrome, she says she does everything she can to prove that nothing can hold her back.

The icon admits he's sad that he hasn't beaten the disease yet — but that's because he gave a rare insight into his health Vogue FranceShe insisted that she was doing everything she could to move forward in the hope that science would eventually find a cure.

Celine admits that she had serious doubts … “Now I have to learn to live with it and stop questioning myself. At the beginning I ask myself: why? How did this happen? What did I do? Is it my fault?”

She continued, “The way I see it, I have two choices. Either I train like an athlete and work really hard, or I switch off and it's over, I'm at home, listening to my songs, standing in front of me. Put on a mirror and sing to myself.” .”

Celine explains that she chose to work on her body and soul from head to toe … pouring her through rigorous athletic, physical and vocal therapy sessions 5 days a week to help her recover.

The legend is taking things one day at a time, but she has her sights set on some big goals, like revisiting the Eiffel Tower and going on another tour.

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As Celine affirms, “There's one thing that never stops, and that's desire. That's passion. That's dreaming. That's determination.”

“My Heart Will Go On” singer diagnosed with SPS in 2022, and his sister previously revealed an autoimmune disorder. leaving Selene completely unmoved.

TMZ Studios

But Celine managed to make some appearances and power through NHL games Further The GrammysThe place she provided Taylor Swift with her Album of the Year Award.


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